Hey Everyone,
I just wanted to let you know that I have a new website called Fearless Folks. http://www.fearlessfolks.com/
It's sort of a spin-off of Fearless Females (only not as sexist!! ;) and the beginning of my second year of blogging (wow! a whole year has passed since my very first post!!)
So I will be blogging at fearless folks from now on.... And I must say that I'm excited about the new site, even though it has taken me about 3 months to get it together.... not much of a technical person here, but I'm learning as I go..
So please feel free to join me at http://www.fearlessfolks.com/ (I hope you do!!) and feel free to leave a comment and let me know what you think of the new site!
And thanks for reading!!!!!!!!
........... my wonderful fearless friends!! :)
Easy Valentine Sugar Cookies
3 weeks ago
Happy Blogoversary! Can't wait to check out the new site!
Sometimes I like being sexist ;).
Ahhh, interesting!! And sometimes I agree... but for a special needs site I didnt want dads with kids to feel excluded.. I kinda want to encourage men and hear what they have to add in the perplexities of life and raising kids...
that's kinda interesting too!
Come join me at Fearless Folks... would love to hear more from you..
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Whatever happen to the Fearless Folks blog? You just stopped writing?
Also wondering what ever happened to her blog. Holli Nappi Collins just walked away never posting an explanation? Only losers do that. Hoped she wised up and realized that NECC will only make her daughter even more aggressive with their out of date interventions, restraint and seclusion procedures, but I doubt it. She sounded like a completely clueless mother.
And let's not forget where many children who attend JRC are sent from- The New England Center For Children as a past commenter pointed out:
"Though I've met parents who have their children at the school who opt out of drug treatment, NECC pushes and prescribes antipsychotics and other drugs routinely. And when the children don't improve from the Skittles reinforcements and Risperdal regimen, the center has referred the failures to the Judge Rotenberg "shock" Center (page 3 of JRC's own "executive summary" on some of NECC's referrals: http://www.judgerc.org/posonlyprograms.pdf ; then go to page 7 for details of NECC students being drugged and restrained up to 70 times per week ).
JRC is the repository for children so drug damaged that they'd die if they took another pill but who's behavior has become so problematic that no other institution will take them. I view places like NECC as a kind of "feeding tube" for places like JRC, both because NECC exerts its considerable influence in preventing further research on environmental cause and because of its practices. So much for NECC's "positives only" philosophy if they drug and restrain to this degree and if the end result is landing at JRC. Positives only is a mischaracterization."
Thanks, you have a great blog here.
Holly's blog Fearless Folks had a virus and had to come down. It's unfortunate but these things do happen. She needs a new laptop too since the virus wiped it out. Wish her luck.
No loss.......
Wish her luck? And then she signs her own name? Why is she speaking in third person and is getting a new laptop all that difficult when she lives in the wealthy town of Plymouth, MA.? Lame.
"I have to pipe in about NECC as well.
From what I've seen over the past four years as a resident of Massachusetts with two effected children, NECC seems to be the enemy. It seems to be the kind of place where some families can feel they're having a benign, even helpful experience while horror is going on just down the hall. The use of drugs, restraint and food reinforcements known to be toxic to our kids is part of it, but it's also the fact that NECC emits a distinctly malevolent "political" and ideological influence on autism services in the state. Here's a sample of NECC's research newsletter entries: http://www.necc.org/research/newsletter.asp
Note the number of anti-biomed/vaccines-really-really-don't-cause-autism articles, and the one I particularly like for it's "sophisticated ironic play" on David Kirby's book, an entry entitled "Evidence of Harm"-- to describe the child who died from chelation. This is not the publication of an open minded, non-politicized organization that will ever change its mind or its tact on cause and treatment of autism. Stick a fork in NECC, they're cooked and the world would be better off without it.
We've had to fire more than one private ABA therapist because the anti-biomed brainwashing they received at NECC made them literally dangerous to our kids. In one situation, the BCBA deliberately wore clothes soaked in fabric softener to follow up her written protest against our request that therapists not wear strong perfume because of our kids' serious reactions to synthetics. One therapist received such a scary brow beating from the NECC-trained director of the service over our children's biomedical issues (the director was yelling that our kids "have no medical issues") that she had to quit and decided to return to school so she could get out of ABA altogether.
Though I've met parents who have their children at the school who opt out of drug treatment, NECC pushes and prescribes antipsychotics and other drugs routinely. And when the children don't improve from the Skittles reinforcements and Risperdal regimen, the center has referred the failures to the Judge Rotenberg "shock" Center (page 3 of JRC's own "executive summary" on some of NECC's referrals: http://www.judgerc.org/posonlyprograms.pdf ; then go to page 7 for details of NECC students being drugged and restrained up to 70 times per week ).
JRC is the repository for children so drug damaged that they'd die if they took another pill but who's behavior has become so problematic that no other institution will take them. I view places like NECC as a kind of "feeding tube" for places like JRC, both because NECC exerts its considerable influence in preventing further research on environmental cause and because of its practices. So much for NECC's "positives only" philosophy if they drug and restrain to this degree and if the end result is landing at JRC. Positives only is a mischaracterization.
NECC is funded in part by Dunkin' Donuts, so I seriously doubt they'll ever change their credo on GF/CF and biomed. I would run steer clear of anything that NECC was intrinsically involved in. I don't particularly care how "great" they are at providing ABA (and I question this because of little things like the fact the school would rely on antipsychotics and would *RESTRAIN A CHILD UP TO 70 TIMES A WEEK BEFORE IT WOULD EVER TRY GF/CF*-- sheesh)considering the other drawbacks in their philosopy and approach."
Posted by: Mass protest November 24, 2009 at 12:25 PM
Fearless Folks is kinda interesting.
Good day!
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It's unfortunate but these things do happen.
A statement as big as what you're saying. Great job, indeed.
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