“What’s a Dick?”
Oh Geez, here we go again, influenced by kids and hearing things he doesn’t quite understand because he takes things so literally, so I have to try and explain—such as the life with autism.
“Where did you hear that, Nick?”
Impatiently he says, “I just know it.” Which is my cue for: just tell me what I want to know and stop asking me so many questions—such as the life with a teenager…
“Well it references a boy’s penis.”
“Uhhh, N000!” Embarrassed smile.
“It’s not a nice thing to say. Some kids call kids this when they’re just kidding around… but it’s usually said when someone is mad at someone else, like calling someone a jerk. It’s not a nice thing to call someone.”
“It’s not a nice thing to say?"
“It’s mean?”
So I start talking to myself… just not out loud, this time… Please, please don’t tell me that someone is calling you a dick, please, please, oh, please…
“Oh, so my Grandpa is a dick?”
Huh?? ....... “Oohhhh!!!" “Uh hum" (throat clearing uncomfortable moment), "um, in this case, Yes, Grandpa is a Dick ........ his name is Richard and his friends call him Dick!! It's a nickname and a name!!”
Oh My and Phew!! And big smiles all around...
And a lesson learned for this mom—don’t always assume the worse case scenario!!!!
And poor Grandpa..... ;)
Easy Valentine Sugar Cookies
1 week ago
Funny - but I'm sure it's hard for them to understand the dual meanings of words. At least now Nick knows in case the "other" meaning is mentioned at school!
Ha! I don't blame him the confusion. After all, we had Dick Chaney for 8 years. Hardly anyone can tell the difference between that Dick & Richard. ;-)
Sorry, I could resist.
I was so confused by this as a teenager too!!
I've always wondered why a man would choose to be called "Dick" when he just as easily could be called Rick, Rich or Richard. Why is your dad a Dick?
HA! I don't know why Dick?? I think friends of his at work called him this...because once when I was a kid someone from his work called him on the phone and I answered and when they asked for Dick.. I said, NO, no Dick's here!!
That's when I learned about his nickname...Funny!! Surely there are other Dick's??
OMG so I just woke up my husband to read him your post, he laughed himself awake!! Sometimes I like to call him Richard!! LOL
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