Ugh! I feel guilty this morning because I sent Meghan off to school with black feet and dirty hair.
In my defense (ahh, we all have one of these, now don’t we??), I had to work unexpectedly and wasn't home to give her a shower before she went back to school yesterday afternoon. When I saw her last (and left her) she was playing outside on the swings and, yes, sporting bare feet with sandy-dirt underfoot, dirty-ishhh hair and ohhhh, there was no time to get her into a shower, nor would she budge if I had the time. And since her father could not help her in this department, then …
I sat at work fully aware that I had sent her to school looking like a wild, homeless child...
Good grief! Minus 1000000 points for me!
You might be wondering why my 14 year old girl couldn’t just jump into a shower and scrub, scrub, scrub on her very own??
Allow me to explain. Unless I am there to physically enforce and force her to get into the shower (could take anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours….really), while hovering near and about to make sure that there’s actually some scrubbing going on behind closed curtain … like washing her hair with actual shampoo and not just wetting it down and dumping all that (cheap) yummy fruity goo down the drain, while laughing hysterically… , then she will not do it!
yup, my little angel!!!
I just don’t understand it, though. I had once deemed her my little water girl, she loved…loved…LOVED (stolen from Pride and Prejudice) the water, and showering was her favorite pastime of all. I will show you the watermarks on the family room ceiling below the bathroom if you don’t believe me. In fact, she loved showering so much that we installed an outdoor shower (brilliant idea, btw) and we even contemplated putting in a drain in the middle of her bathroom floor—radical idea and it would have worked, but I thought that Meghan needed to learn to keep water inside the tub… there may not be drains in the middle of bathroom floors in her future.
That’s how much she loved water... and no, it wasn’t because she had dreams of becoming a mermaid or that Aquarius is her astrological sign... she’s actually a Gemini. You know, the yin and yang twins... “The air of Gemini is always changing direction.”... and so true it is...
Once upon a time she loved water because it offered her the sensory stimulation (deep pressure) that she was seeking. I knew this because always after a shower or a dip in our local pond, she would be calmer and happier, as if somebody stripped away an undesirable element from her body.
But as of the last couple of years, she has lost that loving feeling with water and I'm not sure why, other than the yin and yang theory...
It’s either hot or cold with her…in excess or nothing…black or white…good or bad…
There’s no just-a-little-lukewarm-grey-is-okay in her book!!
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Easy Valentine Sugar Cookies
1 week ago
I am a Gemini can be interesting!
There are so many things I take for granted... and then I read your blog! E-Niner LOVES the bath -- like you said for sensory stimulation and deep pressure. I can't believe that that could all "go down the drain" one day. Say it ain't so......
P.S. Dirty feet and dirty hair ADD points -- they don't take points away. I say that if it's a nice day, the kids SHOULD be dirty. That means they're playing and having fun!
I'd love to compare watermarks with you!!
There isn't enough air freshener in the world to undo the damage they've done!!
I hear you about the dirty hair.
Oh well. Been there....done that.
I'm not sending you to "time out".
It's so frustrating how as they're teens now and need to bathe more, they resist!
You go, girl! This is only for those who don't know Christ the King. Lemme begin --- Nothing on earth is worth Heaven (the loss of Heaven, too); our finite existence is over in the blink-of-an-eye. Then… death, judgment, Heaven or Hell for our lifelong demise: what you yourself do in this wee lifetime equals our eternity; we can either deliver ourselves to Paradise forever or condemn ourselves to the Abyss forever. Jesus/our Mother are only the free antivirus when you walk THRO the Pearly Gates, yet, our choice. I’m only the messenger. Believe it. You shall be the wiser for it. God bless you.
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